Entrada > Schools > ESEIG > Undergraduate Degree in Web Information Systems and Technologies

Undergraduate Degree in Web Information Systems and Technologies

The undergraduate degree in Web Information Systems and Technologies is a joint programme of the School of Management and Industrial Studies (ESEIG) and of the Institute of Engineering of Porto ...

The undergraduate degree in Web Information Systems and Technologies is a joint programme of the School of Management and Industrial Studies (ESEIG) and of the Institute of Engineering of Porto (ISEP). Classes are taught at ESEIG by faculty members from ESEIG and from ISEP, as it is a joint degree programme offered by these two Schools of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto.

It aims at training professionals able to head projects for the creation, development and management of information systems and Web contents.

The degree features a solid education in design for digital media and in information technologies, striving to train professionals who will be proficient both in the creative and in the technological aspects of the production process.

It also emphasises the emerging trends in information science and technologies, namely Web computing (cloud computing), security, graphic interfaces and virtual environments.

Graduates will have the necessary skills to be involved in the design, development and management of information systems and Web contents, based on a wide range of technologies and technology platforms.

The graduates will be able to:

Create, develop and manage information systems and web products;

Show leadership skills, initiative and entrepreneurship;

Design and develop products in 3D or in interactive environments;

Develop systems and products for multi platforms;

Design and develop digital entertainment and leisure products.


Acreditado por: 6 years ano(s) em

Consultar relatórios em www.a3es.pt

480 - Informática
Número: 98/2014
N.º Despacho/Portaria: DESPACHO N.º 9221/2014 (2.ª SÉRIE)
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Graphic Design Summer Semester
Object Oriented Programming Summer Semester
Project I Summer Semester
Multimedia Design and Production Summer Semester
Mathematics II Summer Semester
Technologies and Web Applications Winter Semester
Basics of Design Winter Semester
Mathematics I Winter Semester
Computational Systems Winter Semester
Algorithms and Data Structures Winter Semester
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Web Programmng II Summer Semester
Software Engineering Summer Semester
3D Modelling and 3D Environments Summer Semester
Graphic Systems Summer Semester
Project II Summer Semester
Physics for Programming Winter Semester
Web Programming I Winter Semester
Databases Winter Semester
Systems Analysis and Modelling Winter Semester
Graphic Animation Winter Semester
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Programming for Mobile Devices Summer Semester
Final Project / Work Placement Summer Semester
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summer Semester
Advanced Techniques in Web Design Summer Semester
Sistemas Distribuídos Winter Semester
E-business and Security Winter Semester
Cognitive Ergonomics and Interaction Design Winter Semester
Enterpeneurial Management Winter Semester
Game Development Winter Semester
  • Creation, development and management of software and web products;
  • Development of products for mobile devices;
  • Creation and development of games and entertainment software;
  • Consultancy on Web product systems;
  • Design, development and management of e-business platforms;
  • Management of information systems projects in multi-platforms;
  • Web Designer.

Entrance Exams:

(19) Mathematics A

Minimum requirements

Application grade: 95 marks

Entrance exams: 95 marks

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Combined Shape
