Entrada > Notícias > From bytes to podiums: The role of data in Sports
Publicado em: 22 Abril 2024

From bytes to podiums: The role of data in Sports

20 de maio de 2024 | 19h00 | Online

No próximo dia 20 de maio de 2024, pelas 19h00, decorrerá o seminário "From bytes to podiums: The role of data in Sports" com o orador convidado Leonid Kholkine, PhD student at IDLab. 

Pode aceder através do link:  https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/95210293308

Leonid finished his master's in computer engineering from the University of Porto and worked during several years as a software engineer. Currently, he is completing his PhD at IDLab - the Internet and Data Laboratory (https://idlab.technology/), a collaboration between the University of Antwerp, University of Ghent and imec.
His doctoral research focuses on the intersection of computer science and sports science, specifically on using data to enhance athlete performance. His work, for example, includes determining the age at which professional cycling athletes achieve peak performance, offering valuable insights for sports scientists and practitioners. In addition to his academic pursuits, Leonid is actively involved in promoting interdisciplinary collaboration. He organizes the BOSA school (https://sportsdatascience.be/BOSA2024), which brings together data scientists and sports scientists to innovate and improve practices in the sports industry.
Furthermore, Leonid is a co-founder of Ripply (https://www.ripply.net/), a company committed to leveraging open innovation and data competitions to maximize the value of data for organizations. He is also the content curator for Data Makers Fest (www.datamakersfest.com). Prior to his doctoral studies, Leonid gained significant experience as a software engineer and served as Head of Engineering at TonicApp, a digital health startup.
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